Lesbians and feminism

I had not considered until recently the apparent link between feminism on the one hand and lesbianism on the other. The notion of sexual freedom is powerfully seductive. I was moved by a paper by Cardinal Ratzinger in the late 1980s, which laid out how feminism, even feminist theology, is a different religion to christianity. Judaism was unique among the ancient religions for its lack of a female priestess class. But here is this new movement, purporting to promote women’s rights and welfare, yet often failing.

I would like to have a firmer grasp of this issue as it manifests. The early psychoanalysts may have been aware of this phenomenon but did not seem to build any theory regarding the place of lesbianism in the family and workplace, church and sports team. Feminism on the other hand provides a ready made justification for such women, suggesting to them that these actions and fantasies are wholesome and fulfilling.

It is apparent to me however, with the story of person-centred therapy and the collapse of religious life for women that lesbianism is a strong impulse among women and has become an influential force in our society today. There seems to be a move to remain respectable and the fear seems to be that religious life is too exposed to allow such practices to remain hidden.

Women’s role models these days however often flaunt their lesbianism as an attractive attribute in their approach to fans and such behaviour is considered welcome. This is the salvation offered by feminism it seems to me is sexual freedom and with that the promise of a secure lifestyle pampered and privileged, or else the pathway to heterosexual marriage still remains open. The lesbian was always more covert in her attempt at respectability and exposure of her was less likely given performance is not front and centre as it is for the male personage in the bedroom.

In this sense lesbian women have always had it easier as compared to their gay male counterparts in the attempt at remaining respectable in their lifestyle choices. To my mind though, it remains a rebellion against parents and their interest in the integrity of their progeny for such women to engage in that sort of behaviour. It is an affront against their nature as women insofar as women can receive the fullness of life and grace without sacrificing their bodies to the idols of sexual freedom and rebellion against God and man. Yet many women know that the rebel often wins the prize. Would that we had more resilient boundaries in place and were better placed to make choices of suchlike.

About The JP Obituary

I am interested in questions about humanity, spirituality and faith in general.
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